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Investment Design

Designing & Monitoring a Personalized Investment Strategy

Ongoing Investment Management
For Individuals & Families

Whether you’re experiencing success within your career, your startup company or small business, a tailored investment portfolio can transform your outcomes. You may be seeking to save for retirement or build your wealth to support your children and future generations. We’ll sit down together to understand where you would like to go and how to best get there through a well-constructed investment strategy.

For a better understanding of our new client process, click here!

Our Investment Design Philosophy:

Risk Management

How it Works:

Understand Your Goals & Desired Risk Level

Get Started with a Complementary Risk Analysis

Construct a Personalized Portfolio

Implement, Monitor & Rebalance

With FWM, Your Portfolio Will Be:


to You

Strategically & Dynamically Allocated

Macro-Aware & 

Globally Allocated

Diversified &

Managed for Risk

& Tax-Efficient

Social Responsible Investing Walnut Creek, CA Faubion Wealth Management

Learn About Socially Responsible Investing

If you’re interested in aligning your portfolio with your values, we can also tailor your portfolio according to Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) Standards.

Investment Design Fees

Account Value

Annual Advisory Fee

$0 - $1,000,000 1.00%
$1,000,001 - $3,000,000 0.85%
$3,000,001 - $5,000,000 0.75%
$5,000,001 and Above 0.50%

In Need of a Customized Investment Strategy?

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