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A Diversified Portfolio = Always Feeling Disappointed Thumbnail

A Diversified Portfolio = Always Feeling Disappointed

Investing is a journey filled with highs and lows, excitement, and sometimes disappointment. When you hear about the stock market's latest superstar—those tech giants or trendy startups that are doubling or tripling in value—it can be tempting to pour all your money into a single investment in hopes of striking it rich. Yet, seasoned investors and financial advisors often preach the wisdom of diversification.

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♻️ Why Investing Early And Often Is The Key To Generating Compound Wealth Thumbnail

♻️ Why Investing Early And Often Is The Key To Generating Compound Wealth

For long-term investors, understanding what can and cannot be controlled is the key to financial success and peace of mind. While all investors would like to believe they can predict or even control the market's direction, experience teaches us that this is difficult. Constructing and risk managing an appropriate portfolio, while making strategic and tactical allocations based on market opportunities, ideally with the guidance of a trusted advisor, is often the best approach. However, while following markets and maintaining a perspective on the economy is essential, an even more fundamental key to success is investing early, investing often, and remaining focused on long-term financial goals. What can investors do to benefit from these principles today?

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Special Update: What Fitch's U.S. Debt Downgrade Means for Investors Thumbnail

Special Update: What Fitch's U.S. Debt Downgrade Means for Investors

On August 1, Fitch, a credit ratings agency, downgraded the U.S. debt from AAA (the highest rating) to AA+. Fitch had warned of a possible downgrade during the debt ceiling crisis earlier this year and has sounded alarms since 2011, when a similar crisis occurred. While few investors, economists, and business leaders view the downgrade itself as meaningful, primarily because AA+ still represents an extremely low default risk, that does not mean it has not impacted financial markets. After all, investors have benefited from markets mostly moving upward this year, leaving some investors unprepared for even small stock market swings. What drove the downgrade of the U.S. debt, and how can long-term investors maintain a balanced perspective?

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💸 Inflation Inflection 3.0: What's Ahead as Inflation Rapidly Retreats? Thumbnail

💸 Inflation Inflection 3.0: What's Ahead as Inflation Rapidly Retreats?

Market and economic expectations have shifted 180 degrees since the start of the year when many investors expected a recession and prolonged bear market. Ongoing economic growth, low unemployment, improving price pressures, and slowing Fed rate hikes have spurred a strong market rally, especially across sectors that struggled last year. While the economic situation is far from perfect, and investors should always be prepared for uncertainty, it's also essential to recognize the positive trends raising the odds of a "soft landing." What factors are driving these changes in investor expectations?

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🎓 Why College Planning Is Core To Any Young Family's Wealth Plan Thumbnail

🎓 Why College Planning Is Core To Any Young Family's Wealth Plan

Celebrating as a family member graduates high school and attends college is a monumental event and the culmination of years of hard work. However, paying for college remains a significant source of stress for many households. It's no secret that college costs have risen much faster than inflation over the past 40 years, increasing the financial burden on families as they set money aside and on graduates once they enter the workforce. And yet, there are numerous professional and personal benefits to pursuing higher education for those who wish to do so. Weighing the costs against the benefits while considering personal priorities and the broader economic picture makes college planning a complex topic.

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Why the 4% Rule Is Only a Starting Point for Mid-Career Tech Professionals Thumbnail

Why the 4% Rule Is Only a Starting Point for Mid-Career Tech Professionals

Planning for retirement for mid-career tech professionals has never been more important and yet so challenging. Given the problematic inflationary conditions of the past two years, the risk that worries most continues to be outliving their savings. This is because, when it comes to markets and the economy, we can't control the timing of events - including day-to-day market swings and whether investors begin retirement in a bull or bear market. What we can control, however, is our own behavior by staying disciplined. While there are never any guarantees, history shows that having a sound financial plan that can adjust to changing conditions, accompanied by proper financial guidance, is the best way to minimize retirement risks.

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